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Flywell nodigt uit!

Flywell nodigt uit!

Hierbij de invite voor de 2e editie van FLYWELL HELI CHALLENGE, deze keer onder de noemer "the weekend getaway".

Korte tweedaagse uitstap waarbij de deelnemers verschillende soorten opdrachten zullen moeten uitvoeren , onder andere racen op circuit,precision nav, drop on target , en andere zo punten te sprokkelen en  als winnend team de trophy te winnen.

Deze keer geen uitstap tot in Oostenrijk maar houden we het dichter bij België maar niet alleen om het voor junior flyer gemakkelijker te maken om ook mee te vliegen en toch te genieten van de FLYWELL omkadering.

Key words voor deze editie zijn:

flying, driving, adventure, discovery, off-airport, bivouac, glamping, track, trophy, teamwork...

Meer info volgt nog op de website, of contacteer mij gerust (0473 493 747 // [email protected] //[email protected]


It's that time again... It's FLYWELL time again! After a succesful first edition in 2014, FLYWELL HELI AIR CHALLENGE  2015 proudly presents: THE WEEKEND GET-AWAY"

During the weekend of 5 & 6 September 2015, we will once again take helicopter pilots and friends on a extraordinary journey in a unique setting!

Full of adventure, the experience will be a mix of fun-flying and exhilarating activities … spiced up with exceptional wine and dining and a little friendly competition.

Starting off at Kortrijk Airport on the 5th of September, we won't be flying too far, but far enough to discover new territory & airspace and get back the next day!

Just to lift a tip of the veil:

We found you an unused NATO airfield, where a respected Belgian racing driver will show you around the track before you try to set the laptime yourself… Top Gear style!

You will try your hand at a challenge of the Heli-World cup. To end a beautiful day, you will  discover a french chateaux for the night and enjoy the sunset by a big fire, eating a Argentinian style  asado and glamping in luxury bivouac tents. 

So come and fly with us, try to win the FLYWELL Trophy, make some new flying buddies, swap seats in your heli and discover something new…let us lift you to higher grounds!

Registrations are open as of today, until Aug 1st!

For more info & registration, visit us at

All the best,

Sebastien Geers & Nicolas Jacops

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